#1 He Deserves It.
#2 Because we are proud. We don't come together to fast and pray because we're humble, but because we are not.
As we fast to put down the pride of the flesh, His Holy Spirit confronts the pride in our souls. It is not our virtue
that drives us together, but lack thereof. Unlike the religious leaders in John 9, we need to admit that we are not "in
the know". Even with an accurate doctrinal view of God, His nature and presence does not flow through us because we are
not truly a house of prayer. There is a need for us to admit to ourselves and each other that we hardly know Love Himself nor His great love for people. Knowing the Written
Word mentally is essential, but not enough, because we have to continually grow in knowing the Living
Word to allow the flowing of the Living Word
through us into the lives of others. This is prayer.
#3 We need each other's prayer based
fellowship. This is the Gospel of Jesus and Us, not Jesus and me. "Every Joint Supplies..."
#4 The
Spirit flows better with unity, the fear of God grows and morale in the Body increases exponentially.
#5 Corporate prayer impacts exponentially. Other hearts come to Christ en masse as a result of the massive presence
of God felt throughout the community and because of the unity they see in people loving Jesus.
#6 The manifest presence of God (versus the sovereign presence) when shared
between believers washes us of the pride we accumulate along the way that builds up between us. Such shared moments keeps
us unified in the longrun.
#7 Corporate prayer keeps us from pegging (judging) others. No pegging in prayer. We are continually getting a deeper
and greater perspective on people, especially siblings in Christ, within whom God's progressive work is always taking place.
God contiunally reintroduces us to the people He is molding into the image of His Son. Our hearts stay soft toward one another
Parkcircleprayer.com is a
part of a parachurch and laypeople's effort, not a congregation, with the sole purpose of glorifying the Lord by supporting
the divine institutions of the family and local congregation through the facilitation of community-wide prayer events which
are led by Christian leaders who are concerned for the eternal destiny of people and who desire to please the Lord by
seeking Him together. The representives of this effort do not speak for a central organization in this effort. There
is none. Parkcircleprayer.com is just a website. They speak for themselves and their desire to see a move of God's
Spirit in our hearts. They and many other church leaders are bound by a growing friendship based on the person of Christ and
prayer. Costs have been minimal because of cooperation between many leaders of various organizations who have a heart for prayer
themselves. The goal of this effort is build a dialogue that raises one question: What if we came together to seek God seriously?
It is believed that the impact of this dialogue will be far-reaching, because at some point God's people will move from
beyond dialogue to action. When that happens, the faithfulness of the Lord will be known by many. Revival will come and many
will know His great love.