"Whatever we have been given in this life should
be to broaden the opening of that atmospheric channel. Such an open heaven is the means for salvation.""as legal ambassadors He inspires
prayers within us in order to ride them into the lives of others. Plus! Such praying people are led by Love. And they are
not Christian activists, but are at the right place and right time, becoming a witness to those being drawn in prayer that
God is indeed speaking to them".
God is not in control of this world. Well, He is ultimately and
sovereignly in control, but not directly, according to His own Word, which reveals that the god of the world is the prince
and power of the air. These terrible things we see done by and through the heart of man are not His doing. The suffocating
air over people's lives which makes them feel alone and forced to fend for themselves is not from God. And this condition
is very much a legal matter. Ever wonder why God never just used His power to wipe Satan off the planet? Because He'd also
simultaneously wipe out a large percentage of the human race because their lives are the legal property of Pride Himself.
So Love invaded by becoming one of us and walking in our shoes. When He was illegally murdered, He gained the legal right
to replicate and grow Himself within people and via prayer, invade the lives of others. God began His
own Rebellion within the rebellion. "They are
taken with His heart and by default and with no intention, are embued with His power." The
Church is really not the organization the world sees. They see what Satan has historically (and naturally) manipulated through
history via the political and proud ambitions of men. However, the Church World and the Church, though they
currently intersect, are two different universes. Self rules in God's name in one arena. The other is where His
name is written on their hearts (and their names written on a book in eternity). The real Church is a breathing, living
and dynamic organism tracing back nearly 2000 years by an unbroken line of praying people going all the way back to the First
Intercessor Himself. Via the Holy Spirit, God's Spirit accesses this foreign territory of the world,
first through their reborn spirits, then traveling the path of their souls where they see Him (minds), next
choose Him (will) and even feel Him (emotions) where He finally fills to overflowing. That overflow
enters the lives of others via spoken words, bended knees, lifted hands, silence and even tears. The people of God
are not taken with His power. They are taken with His heart; And by default and with no intention, are embued with His
power. Whether in martydom and suffering or in seasonal leadership in this temporary world, they have power, because they
have Love.  No, this is not make believe, it is the the Person of the Holy Spirit and He is real. It
is this world that is the fading nightmare.
The Holes Have Got to Be Opened |

Living Water Wants to Pour Through |
Imagine a congregation as being a shower
head with each hole representing a prayerless individual Christian or see the shower head as the greater Body in a given
area where congregations are the stopped up holes. In either case, there's no water here. God is not pouring through.
Time with God softens hearts. Through those hearts He inspires prayers within so He can literally ride those prayers
into the hearts of others and introduce Himself one on one. We've got to change. We have to return to the way God wants it
done: On our knees. And the motivation to pray can't be church attendance growth. It really shouldn't
be primarily the lives of the lost. No need to beg Love to be love. The motivation should be His heart and His joy
of wrapping His arms around the lost through our prayers. He deserves their lives. He deserves we get in the gap for
them. So are we going to avail our hearts to the Heart on the Cross? Are we going to get serious about prayer?
For years, the shower head has been a steady drip, |

Now it is a trickle; Soon it will be a shower |
Atmosphere is everything. The same Jesus who had to clear the air to raise Jairus'
daughter from the dead and the same Jesus who could do few miracles in his home town, probably because the towns people had
pridefully pegged him as being one of their own, is the same Jesus who told us that GREATER things WE will do in His name.
He was speaking to us plurally. He was speaking of corporate prayer. Numbers matter. A book of the Bible is named Numbers.
The more we see the Humble Heart on the Cross, the more we will worship. The more of us who worship, the greater the power
to set people free. The more we worship, the more effective we will be in warring for the lost in prayer. The Kingdom of God
is exponential in impact. "One...a thousand...two...ten thousand". "The more we see the Humble Heart on the Cross, the more we will worship. The more of us who worship,
the greater the power to set people free." You cannot look at the Heart of the
King and not want others to know Him. Nobody has a heart like His. And as legal ambassadors He inspires prayers within us
in order to (literally & legally) ride them into the lives of others. Plus! Such praying people are led by Love. And they
are not Christian activists, but are at the right place and right time, becoming a witness to those being drawn in prayer
that God is indeed speaking to them". We cannot persuade people of God's reality; But He can. This
is the way. It is the only way. Whatever we have been given in this life should
be to broaden the opening of that atmospheric channel. Such an open heaven is the means for salvation where people's minds
are no longer blinded by the god of this world and can see in their deepest beings that Jesus is Humble and that Jesus is
Love Incarnate. "The
reason prayer is not the center of church life is simple: Like C.S. Lewis' Susan in the Last Battle, we don't believe
the Gospel. We are unimpressed by such a Heart." All of our methods and giftings
are a means in His plan to bring us to Him. We don't need them like we think. They will merely compliment our efforts once
we finally see the truth: That God really loves people; So much so that He plead for us as we murdered Him.
The truth of this love is what plows the ground and opens the heavens. It is more real than anything physical in this world.
It is our hope for the people of this city. The reason prayer is not the center of church life is simple:
Like C.S. Lewis' Susan in the Last Battle, we don't believe the Gospel. We are unimpressed by such a Heart. To the people
on the pews, it seems more like a fairy tale. As a result, the heart of the King is denied entrance and people remain captive
to their own hearts. If pastors can admit our condition among themselves, set aside the pride of their professionalism
(or lack thereof) and even admit to their flocks that they personally are not "in the know" there is hope.
The pastors of John nine would not come clean and remained stuck with the illusion they were in the know. This is where Satan's
power is the greatest: Religious Pride. You say your flock believes He died for lost souls? Ok,
where are the all-night prayer meetings where parishioners cry out for the lost by the power of the love of Jesus in
their hearts? We need leaders who can admit they know little of the heart of the King and lead by a hunger for
Freedom. Moses led to the promised land, but was himself not an expert on it. Neither was Joshua. They trusted; And led. Whether we obey or not, soon the kingdoms of this world will become the Kindgom of the Lord as Humilty Himself
sits on a throne in Jerusalem; But until then, the Holy Spirit invades through prayer. He rains befores He reigns. It
is this life that will then seem like a fairy tale. The Lord has called us to seek Him TOGETHER. Again,
there is no other way. Prayer is the Blood-bought Way. Christian celebrities and personalities will not carry the day, but
"the" Personality flowing through His Body will! Pastors, you gotta get those holes open.
You are the spiritual gatekeepers. It is you who stand between the people and the King. You're to be a prayer leader before
a preacher. Get em praying. Lead. We're depending on you. And so is the Lord.