Prayer History Audio

The Tabernacle of History
Where God Has Brought the Church

1906 Los Angeles
Son of Slaves Seeks God

2003 Afghanistan
Two Girls in the "Lion's Den"

2003 Nigeria
Mighty Nation of Prayer

2002 Uganda
The Pearl of God

1865 China
Wave After Wave of Prayer

2000 Israel
The Chosen Come Home

2002 USA: The Countdown to Revival
Our Story Continues

1990 Resistenicia
Three Hundred Ninety Thousand Saved

The Second Great Awakening
Prayer Unions Formed in Britain

33 A.D. Jerusalem
The Holy Spirit Comes

1942 Argentina
Missionary Seeks God's Heart

1904 Wales
Heavens Open Up Over Wales

1740 Northampton
Edwards and Whitefield

1970 Asbury College
Holy Spirit Takes Charge

2000 Cambodia
The House Church Erupts

1858 Awakening
Businessman Persists in Prayer Call

1857 Charleston
Black Slaves Seek God - A Millon+ Saved


The Tabernacle of History: Worship! - 4:30

We've had more requests for this one spot than any other. It was inspired by a message brought to the congregation at Faith Assembly in Summerville, by their guest speaker, the Reverend John Kilpatrick. The spot gives an overview and insight to where God has been bringing us along after these two-thousand years. The Lord has been creating a worshipping Bride!

1906 Los Angeles - 6:33

The Azusa Street Revival grew the Church and changed the world forever. This was a major glimpse into God's heart on what He began in the early Church. Whether you have heard of it or not, you've been greatly affected by this event. Hear how God moved through the heart of a hungry soul and how that hunger unleashed a tidal wave of God's presence and salvation to hundreds of millions around the world.

2001 Afghanistan - 6:18

 When two girls were led by the Holy Spirit to courageously share Campus Crusade's "Jesus" Videos with the Talban's death decrees ruling the land, little did they know that their efforts would effectively play a role in opening the door for the Gospel throughout the entire country as believers around the world interceded for their safety.

2002 Nigeria - 4:25

The Church in Nigeria is a mighty Body of Believers who are impacting the world through their prayers. Hear how the the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Islam have battled for the hearts and souls of this territory and how the Gospel is prevailing with tremendous power via the praying Christian communities.

2002 Uganda - 5:51

This is powerful. The story of God's grace at work in Uganda via the prayers of God's people. This should give encouragement to every believer who feels that the mountains we face in are too great. When the time was right, the evil power that has ruled the souls in this territory for centuries was broken with the Light of the Gospel.

1865 China - 4:38

When missionaries came to China in 1865, they probably could not have imagined how the seeds they would plant would be used to bring a series of spiritual revolutions to China in which wave after wave of God's Spirit would save tens of millions. When Communism began to loosen it's grip, What the western Church discovered had been happening in the Church of China, astounded and confounded.

Israel Today - 5:48

What is happening with Israel demonsrates that the God of Israel is the one, true living God. What the Lord is doing in the hearts of millions of Gentiles worldwide toward Israel is nothing short of prophetic. Why would so many Gentiles rally behind Israel, of whom the world has and still is so jealous? The Chosen of the Chosen is turning the hearts of Gentiles toward his very own: Israel.

USA: Countdown to Revival - 7:33

Over the last 20 years, there has been an increase in intensity over the final destiny of the United States and the souls therein. This is a report and encouragement not to give up hope that a Third Great Awakening is about to come to our land. What may seem like a hopeless situation is probably a Divine Orchestration for the greatest revival to ever hit this country. Listen and be encouraged.

1990 Resistencia, Argentina - 3:55

When the pastors of this city of 400,000 came together to seriously seek the Lord, a release of God's presence began to impact the entire area. People began to seek the Lord in mass. Before it was over, Revival would hit this city and country with great impact. Noting that God had sent Revival to Ephesus, the leaders used Paul's letter to the Ephesians  as a guide to seek the Lord.  Very powerful!

The Second Great Awakening - 2:16

If you think that things are bad for the first time in America's history, then consider the conditions prior to the Second Great Awakening and be encouraged. The Lord came twice before to save the lost and so He will again come in our case. Call this a prelude to a Third Great Awakening!

Jerusalem: The Beginning - 6:39

Christ told His followers to wait for the advent of the Holy Spirit. When He came, the Church was born and the Gospel began to sweep throughout all of Israel. As the persecution of the Church increased something else happened that initially confounded Jewish believers, something that would change the course of history.

1942 Argentina - 4:09

What happens when a missionary is burdened by the Holy Spirit to such a degree that he drops all the traditional activities of missionary work, against all criticism, to seek the Lord until Heaven opens up? The Argentine Revival of course! Hear the true story of God's power to draw His people unto Himself.

1904 Wales - 3:18

Evan Roberts could not escape what he knew deep in his heart. He knew that the Lord wanted to come and save the lost. He knew his own heart needed change. He knew that he had to find the Lord. In pursuing the Lord, the Holy Spirit began to deal strongly with him. Before it was all done, over 150,000 people would come to know Christ.

The First Great Awakening - 2:52

Jonathon Edwards and George Whitfield could not be more different personally and theologically than most Christians during this period. Edwards was mild-mannered, soft spoken and an intellectual. George Whitfield was animated, outwardly passionate and even theatrical. One was Reformed in his Christian experience, the other instrumental in the founding of Methodism. Both were used to stir the masses to seek God.

1970 Asbury College - 3:05

What seemed like a routine college chapel service was interupted by an invasion of the Holy Spirit. A regular service turned into a major prayer meeting, in which repentence and worship were offered up to the Lord. The impact of this event was felt across the country and across denominational lines. Hear how the Lord came to Asbury in 1970 and impacted an entire nation.

1973 Cambodia - 4:26

The Holy Spirit began to seed the hearts and minds in this country years before the Communists took control. This is the story of how God, despite great evil, is able to bring light to people's hearts. You might take special note on how the praying house church movement impacted the course of history in Cambodia.

1858 New York - 2:29

It is amazing how God burdened a man to call God's people together for prayer, then confirmed the timing by events beyond his control. Jeremiah Lamphier refused to get discouraged when attendance was initially small, because the Lord was with him. When the time was right, the Lord's presence would explode and descend upon the souls of our country's east coast. The 1858 Awakening saved many souls and changed the course of American history in the process.

1857 Charleston - 3:43

The Prayer Meeting Revivals of 1858, actually started here in Charleston in 1857. By the end of summer, a group of 48 black Christians and 12 white Christians, intensely sought the Lord for revival.

Tell Them - 1:24

Christ is God speaking to the world to every culture, answering the great philosophical questions raised by religion, for Christ is not a religion, but the answer to it. An objective study in world religion and philosophy ought to build one's faith in the Gospel, for no other arena offers an answer to the dillemma posed by the question articulated by C.S. Lewis: "That if a perfect law demands perfect repentence, how can imperfect people perfectly repent?" 

The answer is that, in and of himself, man cannot and is without hope, if he is without Christ; But for the hungry soul, there is a loving Friend who suffered more than any other, yet never deserved to suffer. He walked a line we could not walk.

Text of Prayer History Spots

The Time Has Come To Seek Him Together is a part of a parachurch and laypeople's effort, not a congregation, with the sole purpose of glorifying the Lord by supporting the divine institutions of the family and local congregation through the facilitation of community-wide prayer events which are led by Christian leaders who are concerned for the eternal destiny of people and who desire to please the Lord by seeking Him together.  The representives of this effort do not speak for a central organization in this effort. There is none. is just a website. They speak for themselves and their desire to see a move of God's Spirit in our hearts. They and many other church leaders are bound by a growing friendship based on the person of Christ and prayer. Costs have been minimal because of cooperation between many leaders of various organizations who have a heart for prayer themselves. The goal of this effort is build a dialogue that raises one question: What if we came together to seek God seriously? It is believed that the impact of this dialogue will be far-reaching, because at some point God's people will move from beyond dialogue to action. When that happens, the faithfulness of the Lord will be known by many. Revival will come and many will know His great love.

...know them that labour among you... 1 Thessalonians 5:12 * ...pray for one another... James 5:6 * ...the eye cannot say to the hand I have no need of thee... 1 Corinthians 12:21 * ...there is one Body and one Spirit... Ephesians 4:4 * ...the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth... Ephesians 4:16 * ...I pray that they may be one with us so that the world will believe...John 17:21 * pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity...Psalm 133:1 "The purpose of life is companionship." *** "Worship is that form of companionship where we love on Him in response to His great love for us." *** "The most powerful drive in the human heart is the desire for companionship." *** "We inherited this drive from the One we were patterned after." *** "The difference between manipulation and leadership is motive." *** "Motive is purified and guided in the presence of God: Prayer." *** "Pride is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency, an attitude of self-entitlement and a motive for self-glorification." *** "Pride starts subtly and then turns into the aggressive enemy of real companionship" *** "The Cross and the presence of God brings fellowship (heart to heart), but the world offers only socializing (facade to facade)." *** "Every relationship has a foundation. The pride of public ministry has been a foundation for too many. At some point it consumes" *** "There is a difference between worshipping the idea that we worship God and actually worshipping God." *** "Why do we want to see prayer back in the schools, when it is no longer in our homes or churches?" *** "Corporate prayer around the Throne must return the center of church life if there is to be any hope for the masses." *** "Corporate prayer produces effective preaching, not preaching produces corporate prayer." *** "If we are so in the know, why do we no longer gather together to seek God, navigate through our haughty hearts to get a glimpse of God's heart and then pray in the lost?" *** "Christianity is not an enterprise, venture for self-discovery or political or civic organization. It is a Blood-bought fellowship of prayer focused on One." *** "Prayer-based friendships are the only ones that last." *** "Prayer-bathed friendships are not incidental to ministry, they are foundational." *** "Prayer is not a ministry of the Holy Spirit. It is the ministry" *** "It's one thing to tell somebody what we believe about Jesus, it's quite another to be able to introduce someone to our Best Friend." *** "We are more like Martha than Mary; More like Christian activists, than people of prayer." *** "We need unity in humility found at the foot of the Cross, not prideful uniformity that says: 'Look at us doing God's work'" "There has got to be a practical, excecutable strategy in place for us to dethrone the ministry of Hollywood in our homes and bring families and communities together via corporate prayer inspired by the Spirit. Technology is not the enemy; Our disobedient laziness is the enemy." ***