Our Tower of Babel
"...the idol of public ministry is killing us and the mission."
If you want to challenge this, then give me a chance, face to face,
heart to heart and can offer you many detailed stories in this arena, but the idol of
public ministry is killing us and the mission. This point can be made with such suffocating certainty
that it it hard to imagine any reasonable Christian challenging it. I jokingly refer to the PCPC as the non-existent organization
with a logo from Paint Shop Pro for a reason. If you will permit me to speak as a fool for a moment: I got tired of helping
build other people's prayerless organizations who themselves were not given to prayer. And there are easy ways to know who
is praying and who is not. We don't need another organization.
We need each other in prayer. Too many have given themselves over, not to Jesus, but to ambition in Jesus' name. I can think
of a quite a few, who currently sit in the prison of public ministry, devoid of much love, surrounded by prayerless and insecure
staff members and all with knots in their stomachs each workday - all the while the letters and money coming in attest to
their so-called success. For them a witness means defending a belief in God's existence, morality and the Bible.
It means tapping into that God-hunger within each soul and proving its existence, but not necessarily filling it to overflowing.
It means touching lives, not changing them. They pull together to raise funds and seemingly are excited in the moment, but
when the fundraisers pass, the tension within returns. The guy at the top of this Darwinistic heap thinks all is well or that
he cannot change things, but if he could see the deep tensions within his own staff created by his disobedience to corporate
prayer, he would be both ashamed and grieved. In one public ministry I served, one person, who was second in charge, once confided that the head honcho did not see all the dead bodies in the room. Then
he told me he'd deny this statement to his death if I ever attributed it to him. That's not freedom.
"If there's a bastard which rules the American church world; A definite demon from hell, it has a name
I know so well, and it's called public ministry. Examine your motives and do so in constant prayer because every
step of the way you are laying a foundation for the friendships you build."
The world works this way. The business world works this way.
God's kingdom does not. Christianity does not. Jesus does not. The real Church, God's Spirit filled Organism, does not. The
builders of the Tower of Babel said" Let us make a name for ourselves". Christianity is not an enterprise, but a
fellowship of prayer focused both on the written Word and the living Word, who is a Person; A Person synonmous with love.
There was a time when an aroma of prayer filled our church buildings.
The lost could come into these buildings and immediately sense God's presence and safety. It really was a sanctuary. But today,
churches and families have taken a back seat to prayerless and proud agendas which now rule through so-called successful personalities
and domineering parachurch ministries. Today the lost get conferences, principles, methodology, marketing, personalities,
celebrities and so forth; All in Jesus' name. We will share with them formulas based on Biblical principles and urge them
to use the Scientific Method to apply them so that they too can be free like us; And of course we take an offering
for it too. We turn them into Christian activists for the cause of recruiting more Christian activists while imparting the
very logical Biblical worldview. But a Christian worldview, however accurate and balanced, becomes it's own prison if one never learns
to submit to the Lord in prayer, for the freedom of being a Christian comes in real time encounters with a Friend where one
is continually re-awakening to the reality of Love; And not just His love for one's self, but for others. Without such intimacy
on a regular basis, a person begins to die on the vine. He or she becomes a robot and proud parrot; Quite empty inside.
"But a Christian worldview, however accurate and balanced, becomes it's own prison if one never learns
to submit to the Lord in prayer, for the freedom of being a Christian comes in real time encounters with a Friend where one
is continually re-awakening to the reality of Love; And not just His love for one's self, but for others. Without such intimacy
on a regular basis, a person begins to die on the vine. He or she becomes a robot and proud parrot; Quite empty inside."
How many friendship have been destroyed on the altar of public
ministry, all in the name of Jesus? Too many. Like Tolkien's Gollum, the men who sit atop of these Christianized Civic organizations
are viewed as free, but the true measure of their freedom can be only measured by the percentages of people under them who
truly seek God as a lifestyle, not how many attend church or even give money. If you ever come across a staff that doesn't
pray for one another and even pray together; You'll smell a rat; A big one. I'm not talking about standing in a room to parrot
prayers, then go to work. I'm talking real time with God - together. But
David, you just described 99% of the American church! Yes. Exactly. Sadly. If there's a bastard which rules the American church world; A definite demon from hell, it
has a name I know so well, and it's called public ministry. Examine your motives and do so in constant prayer because
every step of the way you are laying a foundation for the friendships you build.
Is the foundation the desire to do something in God's name? Are you trying to find yourself in doing things for God? Are you
blown away by His love and can't wait to get in their with others to worship Him? Is the foundation of your relationships
socializing or fellowship? Is it facade to facade or heart to heart? Is it public ministry or God? Jesus should be foundational,
public ministry should merely be the context; Every step of the way. Jesus would have been considered a failure by today's standards. Poor Jesus; He started out with 12, lost
one along the way and then had to leave before He got to see the 8,000 added to his work. Bummer. This is absurdity used to
illustrate absurdity.
"Christianity is not an
enterprise, but a fellowship of prayer..."
Who is your John? Who is your Peter and James? And who are your
other nine? Jesus had a loving order to his friendships and covered them in prayer. And do you discourage your 70 (Luke 10:1)
from mingling with other kindred spirits as Jesus did not? Or do you territorialize them like His disciples? (Mark 9:39-41) Jesus was not about building a box,
but a kingdom. Too many are pre-occupied with their boxes, which are remotely reminiscent of hell itself. They are filled
with tension and insecurity. One of
the major benefits of prayer, is continually being taken outside whatever box you are in and getting God's perspective on
a person. Compassion rises within your heart because you see that person in both strength and weakness and you are forced
to recognize that they, like you, are His faithfulwork in progress. Prayerless people are joyless and jealous and naturally
peg without fear or hesitation. But people who pray are often excited about God's work in others and rejoice when someone
does well in God. They hope for freedom within the souls of other people. The deepest laughs, the most meaningful shared cries
and the contentment of such friendships are life itself. The fuel for living isn't that God does things for us, through us
or despite us. The fuel for living is why He does this. He loves. And therefore He is worthy. The respect of
titles and positions should be nothing more than an open door for meaningful friendship and fellowship. They should indicate
the value of a person to God, not so much earthly pride. This is not about paying tribute to someone's box, however big or
small. When Christians pay tribute to another, it should be out of grace, not flattery. I made a decision years ago, if the
Lord opened the door to a person's heart, to get past the titles and earthly positions, to truly know that person on my knees
first and whether we remained acquaintences or became best buddies, that I would not use them as a means to build a proud
legacy in my own mind. People are not a means to an end; For God they are the end. Look at the Cross. For us the end is God
who is eternal love and the best way to love God is to love people for God loves people.
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